About Podwires

Since our launch on January 23, 2023, our goal has been clear: to provide unbiased news and a daily, quick update on podcasts taking place throughout Asia and the world.

As a podcast newsletter for independent podcast producers, we are free from political and financial influence from any companies or podcast organizations. Our journalism is not influenced by any such pressures.

We determine our news schedule, and it's never influenced by political pressure or a bully news organization or newsletter operator that backs big podcast organizations.

Our Mission

We will expose wrongdoing and lies to you without fear or hesitation. You have the right to know the truth, and we will hold those in positions of power responsible. We stand against people who use their position and influence to bully others.

About Kangaroofern

Kangaroofern Media Lab is an independent digital media agency based in Australia. There is podcast management, an online news site, and a marketplace for independent podcasters.

The publisher of this newsletter/website is Kangaroofern Media Lab Pty Ltd.

Publisher : Kangaroofern Media Lab Pty Ltd

Editor in Chief : Miguel Bada : editor@podwires.com

Editor-at-large : Miko Santos : mikosantos@podwires.com

Address: PO Box 99, Ingle farm SA 5098 Australia


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Privacy Policy

This page contains our complete privacy statement.

Correction Policy

Send corrections and clarifications to correction@podwires.com.

We may publicly update the last modified date of the original article. We'll link to the corrected page in the next newsletter if we think it's important.

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Copyright © Kangaroofern Media Lab Pty Ltd. All right Reserved. Redistributing or republicating Podwires content in any way, including by framing or other similar techniques, is not permitted without Podwires' prior written authorisation. The trademarks Podwires and the Podworks.io logo belong to Kangaroofern Media Lab Pty Ltd and its associated businesses.

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Online Newsletter for Independents Podcast Producers
Founder of Kangaroofern Media Lab Pty Ltd | Editor-at-Large of Podwires.com | Host, That Podcast Exchange
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