How to send us a podcast to be featured in our news

We cannot guarantee that your show will be mentioned because we receive too many submissions every day. We apologize. Yet keeping that in mind,

For news coverage, send podcast submissions to via email. is a Podcast Freelancers Marketplace where you can also submit recommendations for podcasts. Your recommendation will be posted on their website and shared with their Slack community. Send in here

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Some advice to help us advertise your show

  • Ensure that you have signed up for the Podwires newsletter.

  • You must select the podcasts or episodes. Please only include one of your episodes if you run/produce your podcast.

  • To find links to the podcasts you recommend, use Pod.Link. Please use if it's not available. Use the podcast website if it's not available.

  • Give your show broad appeal. We want to cover items our international readers care about.

  • Bring a trailer! We search for one and link to it from your press release and our Podwires Killer Trailers podcast.

  • Give our editors a good reason to highlight you. A fresh start, or a fresh cycle? Something intriguing from a technical standpoint? Do you have a significant download volume?

  • We don't need a press release, but if you'd like to send one, here are some pointers on how to make it work best.

Paid opportunities

Podwires provides a paid "editorial focus" to promote major launches, as well as sponsorship opportunities to guarantee daily coverage of your goods or services. Prices begin at $250; send an email to, and we'll be pleased to assist you.